
The Community Concept

South Dakota Farmers Union introduces The Community Concept Program as way to challenge our Farmers Union counties to reach out and impact their communities through a matching funds program.

The Farmers Union state office will match funds to Farmers Union County Chapters or insurance agents that desire to give toward projects and needs in their local communities. Needs may include but are not limited to: rural economic growth, housing development, small community daycare improvements, personal community causes (cancer, farm rescue, etc.), food pantry, coats for community kids, 4-H, etc. 

The Community Concept is basic:

  • Fill out the application below by May 29th.
  • Matching funds are for up to $500.
  • A total of 7 matched funds are available in a calendar year.
  • Funds will be presented by representatives from the county chapter and the Farmers Union state office.

The Community Concept program brings people together. And together, we can impact our communities through acts of kindness and generosity, generated through local sources.