
Passing Farm Bill Focus of 2025 NFU Convention

Posted on: March 25, 2025   |   Category: News Releases

By Lura Roti for South Dakota Farmers Union

Defining moment. These are the words National Farmers Union (NFU) President, Rob Larew used during his National Convention keynote address when he described the times family farmers and ranchers find themselves in today.

Rob Larew
Rob Larew the NFU President

“This is a defining moment for family farmers and for our democracy. But the greatest threat to our movement isn’t just one administration or policy, it’s the divisions among ourselves. Because the moment we become so focused on one issue and we stop working together, we lose our most powerful tool – collective action.”

As Doug Sombke, President of South Dakota Farmers Union (SDFU) listened to Larew’s address, he said South Dakota’s family farmers and ranchers elected to serve as delegates to NFU Convention are united against tariffs and together they serve as strong advocates for the passage of a Farm Bill that includes Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling (MCOOL) and crop and livestock disaster protection programs. 

“I am concerned. How are family farmers supposed to plan for the growing season with all this uncertainty – or make it financially when the price of corn drops every time there is a discussion about tariffs. Corn dropped 82 cents in Aberdeen the other day,” Sombke said.

In De Smet, the corn price dropped 30 cents a bushel. Those 30 cents were what Rob Lee and his wife, Darcie were counting on for profit. The couple recently began leasing more acres from their parents who are ready to retire from farming, and this doubled their crop acres – and risk.

Lee said it is at times like this, when the future and profits are uncertain, that he values his membership in Farmers Union. “When you put the momentum of a large farmer/rancher organization and the staff of National Farmers Union behind policy that is good for family farmers and ranchers, it opens doors with not only policy makers, but governmental departments who can help make change.”

Parade rancher, Oren Lesmeister agreed. “Why is it important that we took time away from our operations to serve as National Convention delegates? Unity. Right now, more than ever, we in agriculture need to be united and make sure our voice is heard. There is too much at stake to be divided.”

Lesmeister and Lee were among the 17 SDFU members elected during the 2024 State Convention to serve as delegates to the 2025 NFU Convention Policy Session. Other delegates were: Tonner Bowman, Davison County; Rachel Kippley, Brown County; Jason Latham, Harding County; Kaeloni Latham, Harding County; Sarah Perrion, Edmunds County; John Kippley, Brown County; Gerri Eide, Potter County; Brenda Reis, Lyman County; David Reis, Lyman County; Kaeloni Latham, Harding County; Mike Miller, Hutchinson County; Lance Perrion, Edmunds County; Terry Sestak, Clay/Lincoln Counties; Chad Johnson, Brown County; Gail Temple, Clark County and Lorrie Hanson, Marshall County.

It is during NFU policy that members from across the nation provide policy direction and priority focus for NFU leadership and staff who meet with Congressional and Department leaders to advocate on behalf of members.

Having their voice heard in Pierre and D.C. is among the reasons Ipswich farmers Lance and Sarah Perrion became actively involved in Farmers Union. The couple raises crops and owns a business that does custom farmwork for area farmers. They have three young daughters.

“Serving as a delegate is an investment in today and the future because we get policy in place that will work for a better tomorrow on our family farm,” Lance said.

Uncertain times call for resolute policy

Policy and Special Orders established during the 2025 NFU Convention reflect family farmers and ranchers’ concerns brought on by the impacts of these uncertain times. The three special orders focus on:

(Read complete Special Orders by linking to this article at www.sdfu.org.)

In addition to policy, throughout the convention industry experts spoke to members about what current changes made at the federal level could mean to producers. And with so many changes, what specific policy family farmers and ranchers should focus on.

Government relations attorney, Jon Bouker shared that Farmers Union members need to contact their Congressional leaders regarding a quarter of a trillion-dollar cut to agriculture funding as part of the House Budget Resolution released March 8.

“If this cut comes, it will impact everyone in this room,” Bouker said. “It comes down to you must now tell your stories to these members. Why is it critical for you to tell your stories? Because, if members hear from enough of their constituents, saying, “if you make these cuts I cannot vote for you. This is too much. It’s my livelihood, it’s the people I employ, it’s my family, it’s feeding the nation. I can’t abide these cuts you should not vote for them.” (As of March 18, the House Budget Resolution has not passed and there is still time to reach out to Congressional leaders.)

Groton farmer, Chad Johnson appreciated the insight, and he reflected on the local impact of federal employee cuts in Brown County. “We run thin in agriculture to begin with. And organizations like Farm Service Agency who support family farmers and ranchers are already understaffed – so cutting staff for these support agencies who help us navigate conservation and disaster programs will have a negative impact on many family farmers.”

Along with her family’s Gettysburg farming operation, Gerri Eide said the current uncertainty also impacts non-profit ag-related organizations, like the South Dakota FFA Foundation. In addition to farming with her cousins, Eide works as executive director of the Foundation. In this role she seeks donations to help cover the cost of the State FFA Convention, FFA jackets for FFA Chapters and programs that support Agriculture Education in 112 South Dakota Schools.

“It could be a tough year to secure sponsors because producers and agriculture businesses are nervous about what the next year or two will look like financially,” Eide said. “Everyone is cautious about spending.”

With all the uncertainty today, Freeman farmer, Mike Miller said being able to vote on policy during NFU Convention gave him hope. “We need to stand up for what is important to us,” Miller said. “Farmers Union is one way our voice is heard in D.C. and it helps policy makers understand what we do.”