
Category: E30


Ethanol, Agriculture and the Courts

Posted on: July 11, 2024   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

by Doug Durante, Clean Fuels Development Coalition SCOTUS. Not just another Washington, D.C., acronym where everything is given an alphabetized name – USDA, DOE, EPA, DOJ, FBI, DOC – there is no end to the acronyms of our government. But few, if any, have the clout and impact on our lives as SCOTUS, the Supreme […]

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The Label Dilemma

Posted on: June 26, 2024   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

Column by Doug Durante, Clean Fuels Development Coalition In this very contentious election cycle, the idea of a candidate for office forgoing any party affiliation by running as a “No Label” option began to surface. Not a democrat. Not a republican. Not a libertarian, a Green Party or even an independent. The thinking was to […]

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Never Stop Educating

Posted on: May 1, 2024   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

Doug Durante, Clean Fuels Development Coalition For all of us long-time ethanol supporters, we share the frustration that American agriculture and the ethanol we produce is so often misunderstood. We were reminded of this after participating in the annual con­vention of the Society of Environmental Jour­nalists this month. This gathering of more than 750 journal­ists […]

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The EPA E15 Ruling Opens the Door for E30

Posted on: March 28, 2024   |   Category: E30

Doug Durante, Clean Fuels Development Coalition One of the things that has bugged me as we work our way through ethanol issues is when things are mis-characterized. Take for example the reference to the RFS as an “ethanol mandate.”  Ethanol is in no way mandated under the RFS – the refiners choose ethanol as a […]

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Don’t Believe the EV Hype—For Ethanol, Stay the Course

Posted on: February 15, 2024   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

Column by Doug Durante, Clean Fuels Development Coalition Among the issues that have put a scare into the ethanol industry over the past few years, the threat of electric vehicles has received considerable attention. While threats to the RFS, artificial limits on blend volumes and diminishing export markets are real, the EV threat should rank […]

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Crazy For Carbon

Posted on: January 3, 2024   |   Category: E30

Column by Doug Durante, Clean Fuels Development Coalition As is often said when it comes to football, it starts with the basics – blocking and tackling. Trick plays, end arounds and flea flickers are nice but without the basics it doesn’t matter. I feel like there is a lesson here for the ethanol industry. In […]

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The Path to Higher Blends—Artificial Barriers Limiting Us to 10 percent

Posted on: December 6, 2023   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

by Doug Durante, Clean Fuels Development Coalition Last month’s column on the concerns we see with the RIN system concluded that we would look at pathways to higher blends so we would not be captive to the RFS. When I say captive, I say so in the sense that it has been very difficult to […]

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You Can’t Put a RIN in Your Gas Tank

Posted on: November 20, 2023   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

Doug Durante, Clean Fuels Development Coalition With the RFS still under attack from various sectors, there has been a lot of talk about RINs lately and how the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) creates RINs and how great that is. A RIN is a credit based on a Renewable Identification Number assigned to each gallon of […]

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View from Our Seat in the Ballpark

Posted on: September 20, 2023   |   Category: E30

Doug Durante, Clean Fuels Development Coalition As Congress returns to Washington after fleeing the August heat and humidity for their six week recess there are many ethanol issues yet to be resolved.  While that is nothing new, it comes at a time when we are once again reminded how we remain at the mercy of […]

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Examine CO2 Pipeline Study Closely

Posted on: June 6, 2023   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

Editorial Submission by Doug Sombke There can be little disagreement that the proposed pipeline capturing CO2 from our ethanol plants has become a bitter, divisive issue. The recent study by South Dakota ethanol producers estimating a value to the state of nearly $6 billion needs to be carefully examined.  Dominik Dauch’s recent article delving into […]

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NFU Workshop Highlights Technology That Allows Diesel Engines to Run on Ethanol

Posted on: March 27, 2023   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

During the National Farmers Union Convention attendees learned about a new technology which would allow diesel engines to run on ethanol. The engineer who co-developed the technology said he wasn’t out to sell more ethanol – he wanted to develop a way to lower carbon emissions in long-haul trucks. And ethanol fit the bill. “If […]

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South Dakota Famers Union to President: If You Want to Increase Fuel Supplies Come See What We Are Doing Here

Posted on: July 19, 2022   |   Category: E30

Huron, SD, July 19. 2022:  Forget Saudi Arabia: Biden Should Have Gone to South Dakota. That was the message from South Dakota Farmers Union President Doug Sombke in an editorial in the Argus Leader Newspaper this week. “We have a home-grown product that has been proven to significantly improve gasoline quality and save billions at […]

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SD Farmers Union President Urges President Biden to Look Closer to Home For Gas Price Answers

Posted on: July 18, 2022   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

Forget Saudi Arabia: Biden Should Have Gone to South Dakota (Reprinted from the Argus Leader July 17, 2022)   President Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia to beg for more oil seems unnecessary to us—he could have saved himself a long trip by coming to see what is being done right here in South Dakota. Sky […]

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SD Farmers Union Hails Automaker Endorsement of High Octane Low Carbon Fuels “A Major Breakthrough for U.S. Corn Ethanol Industry”

Posted on: June 28, 2021   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

HURON, SD – South Dakota Farmers Union (SDFU) President Doug Sombke called the recent letter from the auto industry’s major trade group to former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle a “major game changer” because it endorses the immediate use of high octane low carbon (HOLC) fuels like E30 to reduce carbon and toxics emissions. Sombke […]

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CFDC Salutes Orrie Swayze and his Vision for Higher Ethanol

Posted on: June 24, 2021   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

Washington, D.C. – (June 15, 2021) – Following a memorial service held last week for long time ethanol supporter and pioneer Orrie Swayze, his legacy of promoting higher blends of ethanol to protect public health and support American Agriculture was praised by friends, family, and colleagues. Swayze spent more than four decades promoting the use […]

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South Dakota Ethanol Supporters Urge Rep. Johnson to Talk Octane

Posted on: April 18, 2021   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

When Congressman Dusty Johnson meets with U.S. EPA Administrator Michael Regan to talk about ethanol, the South Dakota Farmers Union (SDFU) and ethanol producer Glacial Lakes Energy (GLE) are urging him to include high octane fuels on the agenda.  In response to Congressman Dusty Johnson’s request to meet with the new EPA Administrator, a joint letter from […]

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SDFU President Calls for Repeal & Replace of Fuel Economy Rule to Include Octane and Higher Ethanol Blends

Posted on: March 2, 2021   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

Speaking at the National Farmers Union National Convention February 26, 2021, South Dakota Chapter President Doug Sombke said ethanol advocates need to prioritize support for a high octane standard in the new fuel economy rule that could triple demand for ethanol over the next decade. Sombke and NFU are spearheading a “Repeal & Replace” campaign […]

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South Dakotans Speak Truth to Power: Time for Trump to “Tear Down That Wall”

Posted on: July 2, 2020   |   Categories: E30, EPA, News Releases

Urge President to Capitalize on Ethanol’s Proven Ability to Improve the Nation’s Environment, Economy, & Energy Security Rapid City, South Dakota: July 2, 2020—With the majestic Mount Rushmore as a backdrop, South Dakota ethanol supporters are calling on President Trump to take a “monumental step” by opening the world’s largest gasoline market to higher blends […]

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SDFU Signs Letter Calling out EPA for Failure to Protect Americans

Posted on: May 13, 2020   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

The South Dakota Farmers Union (SDFU) joined a broad group of ten energy and agriculture organizations in calling on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to condemn statements by its own Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) that dismissed the findings of a recent study by Harvard University linking air pollution to higher fatalities from […]

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COVID-19 Further Stresses South Dakota’s Ethanol Industry

Posted on: April 30, 2020   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

This February, Glacial Lakes Energy’s balance sheet showed positive cash flow. Then COVID-19 brought morning commutes to a screeching halt as workers across the country were told to shelter in place. “Ethanol was not in a good situation before. But then COVID came along and changed everything,” explains Jim Seurer, the ethanol cooperative’s CEO. “In […]

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Today’s Corn Farmers Leave A Zero Carbon Footprint

Posted on: March 24, 2020   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

In addition to feeding and fueling the world, farmers across the Corn Belt are helping sequester carbon by raising corn for ethanol, livestock feed and Fourth of July barbecues. “Corn is one of only a handful of grasses (C4) which are superior at extracting carbon dioxide from the air and fixing it in plants and […]

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Governor Noem Proclaims Feb. 25 E30 Day

Posted on: February 25, 2020   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

Members of S.D. Farmers Union (SDFU) and Glacial Lakes Energy (GLE) Cooperative celebrate E30 Day together in Pierre February 25 after Governor Kristi Noem’s proclamation. “The Governor’s proclamation helps increase public awareness of E30 as the renewable fuel option that also promotes air quality and public health because it replaces cancerous additives,” says Doug Sombke, […]

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Clean Air Benefits of Ethanol Focus of S.D. Farmers Union President Presentation to United Nations Foundation

Posted on: February 6, 2020   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

Ethanol lowers carbon emissions by 40 percent and reduces the need for carcinogenic gasoline additives. These health and clean air benefits will be the focus of South Dakota Farmers Union President Doug Sombke’s presentation to the United Nations Foundation in D.C. today, February 6, 2020.“I’m eager to share how, through increased ethanol use, rural farmers […]

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EPA Shows Support to Big Oil Not Farmers Through Renewable Volume Obligations

Posted on: December 19, 2019   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) showed it’s allegiance to Big Oil today when it released its final renewable volume obligations (RVOs) under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) for the year 2020.  “Today’s announcement is a disappointment, but not a surprise. Instead of the 2020 Renewable Fuels Standard being a win for Farm Country, and truly […]

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SD Farmers Union Applauds Governor Noem-Led Effort to Reduce Toxics in Gasoline

Posted on: November 25, 2019   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

In a letter to President Trump calling for the reduction of toxics in gasoline, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem joined Minnesota Governor Tim Walz in urging the President to have Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) enforce existing law that would protect public health and potentially increase ethanol demand. Walz and Noem are the Chair and Vice […]

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South Dakota Farmers Union Says RFS “Fixes” Lack Vision and Progress

Posted on: October 17, 2019   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

Huron, SD, October 17, 2019: Following yet another disappointing announcement by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on their management of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), South Dakota Farmers Union President Doug Sombke said it’s time to recognize the RFS Is broken. “The “big beautiful deal” EPA announced last week raised more questions than it […]

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Daschle, Sombke Call Pending SAFE Rule the Path to Higher Ethanol Volumes

Posted on: September 30, 2019   |   Categories: E30, EPA, News Releases

Former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle joined with South Dakota Farmers Union President Doug Sombke in calling for the Trump Administration to use the pending fuel economy rule as a solution to the current ethanol and agriculture crisis. In a wide-ranging interview on a popular South Dakota Business Radio program, Sombke and Daschle stressed that […]

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Ethanol Advocate & Former South Dakota Sen. Tom Daschle Meets with Farmers Union Members in D.C.

Posted on: September 9, 2019   |   Categories: E30, EPA, News Releases

It’s a critical time for the ethanol industry said former South Dakota Sen. Tom Daschle today when he met with more than 300 farmers, ranchers and agriculture supporters today in D.C. as part of the National Farmers Union Fly-In. “It’s a critical time, not only for agriculture, but for rural America,” said Daschle, calling hardship […]

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Beyond A Reasonable Doubt – Ethanol is THE Safe Option

Posted on: January 10, 2019   |   Category: E30

Clean tailpipe emissions can be achieved with biofuels – like ethanol, specifically, E30. Research shows that E30 can be used in non-flex and flex fuel vehicles alike. To put science into practice, Glacial Lakes Energy, an ethanol cooperative in Watertown, South Dakota, launched a campaign founded on education and economics. In return for every gallon […]

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Strengthening Agriculture With the E30 Challenge

Posted on: January 7, 2019   |   Category: E30

“Ultimately we want to change consumer preference and behavior. We want folks to be comfortable filling up whatever vehicle with E30 and driving away and not even thinking about it,” explains Seurer, who hopes other Midwestern communities will duplicate this challenge and see the positive results for themselves. Seurer’s message resonated with convention-goer and longtime […]

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Why the E15 Whoopla? E30 Offers So Much More!

Posted on: November 27, 2018   |   Category: E30

By Doug Sombke, SDFU President, November 20, 2018My ears still ring with all the whoopla surrounding the recent decision to lift EPA regulations banning the sale of E15 during summer months.This is a good first step, right? Well, I don’t mean to sound pessimistic, but, for all the excitement surrounding this decision, and many touting […]

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Meat Labeling, Premium E30, Climate Change – Join the Conversation During 2018 S.D. Farmers Union Convention

Posted on: November 15, 2018   |   Category: E30

In October, Hofhenke traveled to D.C. to testify on behalf of SDFU members, that the organization does not support foods produced using animal cell culture technology as being labeled “meat.”  Hofhenke was joined by Rocky Forman, SDFU Member Services Coordinator, and SDFU members Brett Kenzy, a cattle producer from Gregory, and Eric Sumption, a cattle […]

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SDFU Applauds Decision to Provide Regulatory Relief to Higher Ethanol Blends: Officials call it an important first step

Posted on: October 15, 2018   |   Category: E30

South Dakota Farmers Union (SDFU) called October 9, announcement by the Trump Administration to open the market to higher volumes of high octane, low carbon and low-cost ethanol an important a win for farmers, consumers and the environment.  The decision to apply existing standards to these higher blends that lower vapor pressure is long overdue, […]

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National Farmers Union, Farmers Union Enterprises & Urban Air Initiative Announce Alliance to Pursue Expanded Use Of American-Grown, High-Octane Biofuels

Posted on: August 21, 2018   |   Category: E30

WASHINGTON – In an effort to expand the market for domestic agriculture products, reduce harmful emissions and provide consumers with lower cost fuel choices, National Farmers Union, Farmers Union Enterprises and the Urban Air Initiative announced they have formed a strategic alliance to expand the use of American-grown biofuels. The three groups intend to pursue […]

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South Dakota Family Farmers & Ranchers Discuss Rural Healthcare, E30 and Policy Development During 2017 S.D. Farmers Union Convention

Posted on: December 4, 2017   |   Category: E30

During the two-day convention, industry leaders will discuss everything from rural healthcare, innovative agri-marketing ideas and the future of ethanol in South Dakota to faith’s role in farming and inventory grain management.   The opportunity to glean knowledge was Orient farmer, Becky Martinmaas’ motivation to leave her farm and taxidermy business for a couple days.  “I […]

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A Reason To Be Thankful: The EPA increases 2017 RFS Volume

Posted on: November 23, 2016   |   Categories: E30, EPA, News Releases

November 23, 2016 – By #South Dakota Farmer UnionEvery cloud has a silver lining. While cliche, this statement reminds us that even when times seem tough we can always find things to be thankful for. The day before Thanksgiving, the EPA has given us just that in the recent announcement regarding the Renewable Fuel Standard. The 2017 RFS will […]

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30-For-30 Celebrates Home-Grown, Renewable Fuel in Pierre

Posted on: July 28, 2016   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

July 28, 2016 – By #South Dakota Farmer Union South Dakota Farmers will be hosting a 30-For-30 event at Cowboy Country Store in Pierre (1619 N. Harrison Ave) August 3, 2016 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to celebrate the benefits of fueling up with Premium E30.  During the 30-For-30 event, drivers receive .30 cents for every gallon […]

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30-For-30 Celebrates Home-Grown, Renewable Fuel

Posted on: July 5, 2016   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

July 5, 2016 – By #South Dakota Farmer Union South Dakota Farmers will be hosting a 30-For-30 event at the Shell Station in Mitchell (2160 Highland Way) July 14, 2016 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.  to celebrate the benefits of fueling up with Premium E30. During the 30-For-30 event, drivers receive .30 cents for every gallon of […]

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NFU Statement on Proposed RFS Volume Targets

Posted on: May 19, 2016   |   Categories: E30, EPA, News Releases

May 19, 2016 – By #South Dakota Farmer Union South Dakota Farmers Union President, Doug Sombke, does not support the May 18, 2016 announcement made by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which proposes a 5 billion gallon cut to its 2014 Renewable Fuels Standard renewable volume obligations.  “By setting the 2017 renewable volume obligation at 18.8 billion […]

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Big Oil vs. The RFS: The Fight Fueling the U.S.

Posted on: May 13, 2016   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

May 13, 2016 – By #South Dakota Farmer UnionThere is a saying “You can’t have too much of a good thing.”Isn’t that the truth? For over a decade, America has reaped the benefits related to the success of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The RFS has delivered a decade of job creation, cleaner air, advancements in energy technologies, and […]

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Farmers Union: An Advocate for Ethanol Since the Beginning

Posted on: August 6, 2015   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

August 6, 2015 – By #South Dakota Farmer Union Although his corn has a ways to grow before harvest 2015, like most corn farmers, Orrie Swayze knows where his crop will go once it leaves his Wilmot farm. “Most all of my corn goes into ethanol. Our local elevator supplies a local plant,” says Swayze, 71, who only […]

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Farmers Union: An Advocate for Ethanol Since the Beginning

Posted on: August 3, 2015   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

August 3, 2015 – By #South Dakota Farmer Union Farmers Union: An Advocate for Ethanol Since the Beginning Although his corn has a ways to grow before harvest 2015, like most corn farmers, Orrie Swayze knows where his crop will go once it leaves his Wilmot farm. “Most all of my corn goes into ethanol. Our local elevator […]

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Don’t Mess With the RFS

Posted on: July 22, 2015   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

July 22, 2015 – By #South Dakota Farmer Union South Dakota grows an abundance of corn that contributes to ethanol production. Ethanol is one product with several possibilities and benefits. A few of the benefits are described below.Fuel Options: The Renewable Fuel Standard ( RFS) has a long-term plan that would gradually increase renewable fuel usage and production; decrease […]

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The Renewable Fuel Standard: Playing the waiting game with the EPA.

Posted on: April 17, 2015   |   Categories: E30, EPA, News Releases

April 17, 2015 – By #South Dakota Farmer UnionOver the past year we have seen corn prices as low as $3.20 a bushel and as high as $5.10. Gas prices have fluctuated between a high of $3.59 and low of $1.90. Of course in an ideal world we would take the higher of the corn prices with the […]

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S.D. Farmers Union says Renewable Fuels Standard Reform Act Will Negatively Impact SD Farmers, Rural Communities & Ethanol Industry

Posted on: February 9, 2015   |   Categories: E30, News Releases

HURON, S.D. – The Renewable Fuels Standard Reform Act released yesterday could have a negative impact on South Dakota’s farmers, rural communities and ethanol industry if the recommendations become law, said Doug Sombke, President of South Dakota Farmers Union. In the report, it is recommended an end to ethanol subsidies, which are included as part […]

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