Tee Off for Education During 2017 S.D. Farmers Union Golf Tournament June 20
From youth summer camps to school-year leadership programming for youth and adults through the Jr. REAL and REAL (Rural Education & Leadership) programs, S.D. Farmers Union hosts educational programming year-round.
“Since the beginning, education has been a focus of Farmers Union. Education is the foundation of our organization as reflected in our logo,” Soren explained. “Without education, you cannot do legislation. Without education, you cannot do cooperation. Education is important, not only to South Dakota’s youth but also to South Dakota’s rural professionals, family farmers, and ranchers.”
Soren looks forward to the event each year as an opportunity to take a break from his Kingsbury County crop and livestock farm to spend time with his son, Jason and friends.
“We’ve had the same team for years. We’re not the best golfers in the world, but you don’t have to be a good golfer – this is a fun event,” said Soren, whose team did take home the 2016 Best Dressed trophy. His team dressed up as minions.
Soren’s comments are echoed by Kecia Beranek, S.D. Farmers Union Communications Specialist and the event’s coordinator. “Golf is a fun activity and a nice way for members to reconnect while raising money for a great cause,” Beranek said.
To participate in the 2017 tournament, contact Beranek at [email protected] or 605-352-6761 ext. 113. Sign up a four-person team for $300 or as an individual for $75.

Mark your calendars for a day of fun between planting and harvest by joining S.D. Farmers Union for the annual Dakota Prairie Open Golf Tournament June 20, 2017.
Pictured here: 2016 Golf Tournament Best Dressed Team, left to right, Doug Kazmerzak, Wayne Soren, Ryan Soren, David Jones and Jason Soren.