
Beadle, Haakon and Clark County Youth Recognized with Farmers Union Scholarships

Posted on: December 15, 2020   |   Category: News Releases

Three college-bound youth from Beadle, Haakon and Clark Counties were awarded scholarships. SD Farmers Union annually gives recognition to young people who commit to a South Dakota college, university or technical institute, and whose parents are current members of Farmers Union.

“Farmers Union starts investing in youth at age 5 and that investment is never ending as they progress through their education. We are excited for our youth as they transition into the next chapter and are thankful to continue our support for their future,” says Rachel Haigh-Blume, South Dakota Farmers Union Education Director.

This year, the $500 Memorial Scholarships were awarded to Elle Jean Hoops, Beadle County and Kelcey Janet Butler, Haakon County and the Cooperative Scholarship was awarded to Sadie Marie Streff, Clark County.

South Dakota Farmers Union President Doug Sombke adds, “Supporting the future education of our rural youth is key to the future of our rural communities.”

Scholarship recipients left to right: Elle Hoops, Beadle County; Kelcey Butler, Haakon County and Sadie Streff, Clark County.

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