
The Rural Lobbyist: SCR 14 Finds Overwhelming Support, Fuels Premium E-30 Debate

Posted on: March 4, 2017   |   Category: News Releases

Rural Lobbyist WEB Banner FINAL Members of the House and Senate have sent a clear message to the office of the Governor with the passage of SCR 14, we want Premium E-30. To read an earlier post about SCR 14, including the resolution’s text, you can click here. Members in both houses voted overwhelmingly to support the use of Premium E-30 in our state fleet. In the Senate, SCR was adopted by a vote of 30-2. In the House, the same resolution was adopted by a vote of 58-9.While unanimous approval is always ideal, large margins of victory such as these make our position that much stronger. SDFU has long been an advocate for the use of our premium fuel and this resolution is just one step of many that has been taken to promote its use and development.A special thanks to the following legislators who spoke on their respective floors in favor of SCR 14.Here’s breakdown of the vote:House

Ahlers Yea Anderson Yea Bartels Yea
Bartling Yea Beal Yea Bordeaux Yea
Brunner Yea Campbell Yea Carson Excused
Chase Yea Clark Yea Conzet Yea
Dennert Yea DiSanto Yea Duvall Yea
Frye-Mueller Nay Glanzer Yea Goodwin Yea
Gosch Yea Greenfield (Lana) Yea Haggar Yea
Haugaard Yea Hawley Yea Heinemann Yea
Holmes Yea Howard Nay Hunhoff Yea
Jamison Yea Jensen (Kevin) Yea Johns Yea
Johnson Yea Kaiser Nay Karr Nay
Kettwig Yea Lake Yea Latterell Nay
Lesmeister Yea Livermont Nay Lust Yea
Marty Nay May Nay McCleerey Yea
McPherson Excused Mills Yea Otten (Herman) Yea
Peterson (Kent) Yea Peterson (Sue) Yea Pischke Yea
Qualm Yea Rasmussen Yea Reed Yea
Rhoden Yea Ring Yea Rounds Yea
Rozum Excused Schaefer Yea Schoenfish Yea
Smith Yea Soli Yea Steinhauer Yea
Stevens Yea Tieszen Nay Tulson Yea
Turbiville Yea Wiese Yea Willadsen Yea
Wismer Yea York Yea Zikmund Yea


Bolin Yea Cammack Yea Cronin Nay
Curd Yea Ewing Yea Frerichs Yea
Greenfield (Brock) Yea Haverly Yea Heinert Yea
Jensen (Phil) Nay Kennedy Yea Killer Yea
Klumb Yea Kolbeck Yea Langer Yea
Maher Yea Monroe Yea Nelson Yea
Nesiba Yea Netherton Yea Novstrup Yea
Otten (Ernie) Yea Partridge Excused Peters Excused
Rusch Yea Russell Yea Soholt Yea
Solano Excused Stalzer Yea Sutton Yea
Tapio Yea Tidemann Yea White Yea
Wiik Yea Youngberg Yea

 So what’s next?Now it is time for action. We have been and will continue to be in talks with the office of Governor to switch the state fleet to Premium E-30. South Dakota has a unique opportunity to be a leader both here in the region and to the rest of the nation in promoting the use of our homegrown premium product.With studies like that of the E-30 Challenge by Glacial Lakes Energy, we can prove that Premium E-30 is a safe, affordable, and efficient fuel for all vehicles. More importantly, as CAF�� credits fall off and manufacturers end the production of flex fuel vehicle lines, we will need a dependable fuel that works in standard vehicles and allows manufactures to optimize vehicles to increase performance and fuel economy. Premium E-30 is that fuel.

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