
Guest Blog- Thank You Diary Farmers

Posted on: June 10, 2016   |   Category: News Releases

June 10, 2016 – By #South Dakota Farmer UnionFor many people in South Dakota June means baseball games, grilling, camping, finishing planting, ice cream treats but South Dakotan’s should add one more important thing to that June list and that’s to make sure you thank a Dairy Farmer!

Did you know South Dakota is home to over 200 dairy farm families and produce about 246 million gallons of milk each year? I drink a LOT of milk and I LOVE my ice cream and I truly appreciate those dairy farm families who provide the dairy products that me and my family needs. I especially thank those dairy farmers at 2am when I’m up crying and all that will make me go back to sleep is eight ounces of warm whole milk… so for that I thank you dairy farmers.

Did you know that South Dakota’s dairy industry contributes an annual economic impact of $2.36 BILLION, with each cow providing $26,294 and that dairy production employs 6,236 people?!?!? Now, I don’t work for the dairy industry, but I do live in South Dakota and I know what a HUGE economic impact that kind of money has on our great state… so for that I thank you dairy farmers.

So this June when you are grilling that cheeseburger or getting that ice cream cone from the Take Out in Miller (if you haven’t yet you HAVE to try their ice cream), make sure you remember who made all those tasty dairy products possible and thank a dairy farmer. And thank you Governor Dennis Daugaard for declaring June as “Dairy Month” in South Dakota.

Thank you Dairy Farmers

Last Modified: 06/10/2016 3:09:43 pm MDT