
Having “The Talk” With Your Kids

Posted on: August 27, 2018   |   Category: Farm Safety

We had to have “the ATV talk” the other night. My 5 year old was talking ATVs like he was planning to go out and take a spin around the section. I’m quite sure he knows how. I asked him if he could touch his feet to the foot rests when he’s on the seat. “No.” “Well, then you can’t drive the 4-wheeler.” I know, it is incomplete logic, as explanations go, but it was enough. “When can I drive it?” “When you are as old as Bubba, you can drive a 4-wheeler.” (That’s his older, teen cousin.)Keeping kids safe is no small task. Especially, when they are around equipment, motor vehicles, electricity, or bins on a daily basis. Have I talked about safety enough? Have I been an example of safety in my own life? Do they know what to do in an emergency? Those are questions that I often think about as I watch my little man head out the door to play in the yard. That 4-wheeler is sitting right there for him to climb on and start but I hope he doesn’t.South Dakota Farmers Union will have a farm safety trailer on display at the South Dakota State Fair this year on 3rd Street. Go check it out with your children. It just might save their lives someday. At the very least it will be a great conversation starter for you to talk safety.