News Releases
Categories:Strong Relationships Matter To Farmers Union Insurance Agent Kasey Keller
Strong relationships are at the core of what it means to be a good insurance agent, explains Kasey Keller, the Rapid City Farmers Union Insurance Agent. “Ninety percent of being in the insurance business is relationship-based and the other 10 percent is having the guts to ask your friends and family to trust you,” explains […]
Read MoreS.D. Farmers Union Awards $2,500 to SDSU Graduate Student
South Dakota State University Agronomy, Horticulture and Plant Sciences graduate student, Jasdeep Singh recently received a $2,500 scholarship from South Dakota Farmers Union (SDFU) Foundation. “Our organization invests in students pursuing master’s and doctorate degrees in agriculture because the future success of South Dakota’s agriculture industry depends on the next generation of agriculture educators, researchers […]
Read MoreSD Farmers Union Calls Out GM on Weak Octane Proposals
In a letter to General Motors Chair and CEO Mary Barra today (February 21, 2019), South Dakota Farmers Union President Doug Sombke challenged the automaker on its claim that 98 RON (Research Octane Number) or higher gasoline was not feasible and called on them to look at their own historical position of identifying 100 RON […]
Read MoreFarmers, Ranchers & Ethanol Supporters Advocate for Agriculture in Pierre
February 19 Proclaimed E30 Day in South Dakota S.D. Farmers Union invited Glacial Lakes Energy Cooperative members and supporters to join them at the Capitol today, to thank Governor Noem for her dedication to the state’s ethanol industry. During her State of the State Address, Noem committed to fueling the state’s fleet with E30. And, […]
Read MoreYoung Advocates for Agriculture & The Next Generation of Leaders
“I saw the difference an ag teacher could make in the lives of students,” Riley says. He explains that his ag teacher, Mrs. Hendrix, provided him with guidance when he decided to start a cow/calf herd as part of his supervised agricultural experience. He explains that all FFA members need to have a supervised agricultural […]
Read MoreLegislators Need to Move Forward on Industrial Hemp Legislation
South Dakota Farmers Union (SDFU) strongly encourages South Dakota’s legislative body to continue discussions on House Bill 1191, which legalizes raising industrial hemp across the state. The 2018 farm bill legalized growing industrial hemp at the federal level, now it’s up to individual states to determine if they will legalize it or not. “This is […]
Read MoreHope isn’t an Estate Plan
He explained that all producers, regardless of age, need A PLAN. Now, what exactly that plan is, or how it is structured, that depends upon the individual farm or ranch. “No one plan fits everyone,” Carey says. However, starting a conversation with the individuals involved in the operation is a good place to begin. From […]
Read MoreYoung Producers Discuss Balance Sheets & What Makes Strong Community Leaders During 2019 Event
Good to know you’re not alone Event speakers and their focuses included: Malcom Chapman, community leadership; Doug Sombke, SDFU President; Blaine Carey, farm finances; Matt Odden, soil health; Dave Koupel, direct marketing; Jess Peterson, truth in labeling; and Jody Heemstra, communicating with the media and how to tell your story. In addition to learning from […]
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