News Releases
Categories:The Rural Lobbyist: Precision Agriculture Bills Remain Alive
The South Dakota State University Precision Agriculture bills remain alive and looking for funding. Both House and Senate bills have passed and are now sitting at the bottom of House and Senate agenda’s waiting for a funding decision. More action to come next week on these bills.HB 1184 was an Act to provide certain provisions […]
Read MoreThe Rural Lobbyist: Ethanol Infrastructure Bill Dies in Committee
South Dakota State University’s precision agriculture facility had a hearing in both the House #1264 and Senate #183 this week. Both bills are identical however they have no funding. Procedurally this is a process that is often used on important bills to keep options open in both houses. The bills give permission to the Board […]
Read MoreWhat you need to know about the ELD Rule.
For motor carriers hauling stock and other Ag commodities the thought of complying with an entirely new mandate is overwhelming. Many haulers believe they will be subject to completely different regulations and electronic devices capable of shutting down their trucks when daily driving limits have been reached. In today’s age of social media communication this […]
Read MoreThe Rural Lobbyist: Non-Meandered Water and Precision Agriculture Bills Move Forward
Non-meandered water took another step toward finality this week. Senate bill 199, an attempt to provide a petition process for opening and closing water, was unable to garner enough votes to see a debate on the Senate floor. Expect to see the Governor’s Senate bill 24 working to extend the current summer session language until […]
Read MoreSouth Dakota Farmers Union Kicks Off Campaign to Raise Awareness of Farm Bill
Working to raise awareness of the need for a 2018 farm bill, South Dakota Farmers Union teamed up with other states and National Farmers Union to launch a digital campaign. The campaign includes a website (, a farm bill video, animated short videos, weekly promotions and a petition. Sumption is among several family farmers asked […]
Read MoreThe Rural Lobbyist: Non-meandered water up for discussion with SB 199 and 24.
The Governor signed Senate Bill 26, which was introduced by the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to require Class A grain buyers to provide a financial statement to the PUC quarterly rather than semi-annually. A small step to increase the transparency into their financial health. S. D. Farmers Union supported and urged its passage.Non-meandered water continues […]
Read MoreFFA Provides Personal & Professional Development
Why did you join the FFA? Avery Gilchrist, State Reporter from Winner answers: FFA is sort of a family tradition. Both of my grandparents were members of the Menno FFA Chapter and my mom, Rhonda Woehl, was an FFA adviser. What kept me involved was the Natural Resources career development event. I love hunting so […]
Read MoreCoffee: It’s Good For The Soul A Look at This Time Honored Tradition
Beyond the feel good reasons Connecting with friends on a regular basis is good for your health, says Andrea Bjornestad, Assistant Professor in the Department of Counseling and Human Development at South Dakota State University & SDSU Extension Mental Health Specialist. “We all have a human need to feel connected to others,” Bjornestad explains. “To feel connected, […]
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