News Releases
Categories:S.D. Farmers Union Requests Release of CRP Acres for Livestock Feed
June 20, 2017 The Honorable Sonny Perdue Secretary of Agriculture 1400 Independence Ave, SW Washington, DC Secretary Perdue: I write on behalf of Farmers Union members who are experiencing significant drought in the Upper Great Plains. I urge you to immediately consider emergency haying and grazing on Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) land. Emergency haying and grazing of […]
Read MoreS.D. Farmers Union Announces their Support for Non-Meandered Water Draft Legislation
S.D. Farmers Union Announces their Support for Non-Meandered Water Draft LegislationHURON, S.D. – S.D. Farmers Union President, Doug Sombke, says the organization supports 5 Open Compromise, the non-meandered water draft legislation discussed by the Interim Committee for Regulation of Non-meandered Waters held May 24, 2017 in Pierre.“Now that we have had time to review the […]
Read MoreS.D. Farmers Union Jr. REAL Speaker Focuses on Overcoming Adversity
Kubwayo calls that mentality a “mind virus,” a negative way of thinking based on one’s experiences and circumstances. His story is about overcoming adversity, breaking cycles and living life to your fullest potential. He reminds students that happiness is a choice. South Dakota Farmers Union Education Director, Rachel Haigh-Blume recruited Kubwayo for the keynote address, […]
Read MorePerdue Testifies on Depressed Rural Economy
By Skylar Schneider, NFU Executive Assistant Yesterday, the House Agriculture Committee held a hearing on rural communities and agriculture, during which U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue provided an update on the state of the farm economy. In written testimony, he addressed the fact that, after a 50 percent decrease over the past four years, […]
Read MoreAccess To Markets: Why Media Matters in Agriculture
By Tommy Enright, Wisconsin Farmers Union Communications AssociateSome farms garner a great deal of media attention while similar farms fly below the radar. Why is this? To be sure, there are farmers doing enough awesome things in their communities that people take notice. But more likely, they are good at marketing themselves.In my experience, attention […]
Read MoreS.D. Farmers Union Celebrates the Martinmaas Farm Family
South Dakota Farmers Union has served South Dakota farm and ranch families for more than a century. Throughout the year, we share their stories in order to highlight the families who make up our state’s No. 1 industry and help feed the world. This month we feature the Martinmaas farm family from Orient. Ray and […]
Read MoreFFA Members Teaming Up to Take Precaution During Farmers Union Team Up For Safety Quiz Bowl
Hundreds of people are hurt or killed on farms and ranches each year. Accidents are highest among youth who are inexperienced and among older experienced operators who may be used to their common routine. Rural safety is a unique challenge because family members – no matter the age – share in the work. And the […]
Read MoreTee Off for Education During 2017 S.D. Farmers Union Golf Tournament June 20
From youth summer camps to school-year leadership programming for youth and adults through the Jr. REAL and REAL (Rural Education & Leadership) programs, S.D. Farmers Union hosts educational programming year-round. “Since the beginning, education has been a focus of Farmers Union. Education is the foundation of our organization as reflected in our logo,” Soren explained. […]
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