No Better Place to Raise Kids: South Dakota Farm & Ranch Moms Share Their Parenting Philosophy
“There was always lots of work, but we always found time to play too.” Margaret Sumption, Frederick, S.D., farmer, mother of five, grandma of 21 and great-grandma to one.
When her five sons were young, mealtime was sacred.
“Everyone sat at the table until everyone was done. They had to ask to leave the table. I never let them eat with their caps on,” explains Margaret (Jensen) Sumption, 68, who has farmed with her husband, John, for 46 years. “Mealtime was our only time together. As the boys were starting high school and had practices and games, we would try to eat our breakfast together.”
Today, Sumption prepares a meal nearly every weekday to ensure her five grown sons continue the tradition. The brothers say this daily meal has been key to ensuring nothing falls through the cracks on the Sumption family farm. In fact, the fifth-generation made sure a kitchen was included in the design of a new shop built in 2004.
After lunch these days, Chris, Eric, Mark, Taylor and Warren all head back outside to manage the family’s Frederick crop and livestock operation. But, when they were young, the routine was a bit more fun.
“John and the boys played football every day after the noon meal – until someone got hurt or cried. When that happened, John would say, ‘OK, time to go to work,'” Sumption says. “We all liked being outside.”
Like her sons, growing up, Sumption and her sister spent their days helping their dad on her family’s Day County farm. “We milked. We worked in the fields. We hauled grain – we did a lot of things generally boys would do.”
She says she always enjoyed farm work, but it wasn’t until she taught school and was forced to spend her days indoors that she realized just how much. “I couldn’t wait till Friday when I could drive out of town.”
Even though she and John retired in 2000, they both stay involved on the farm. Sumption says she is blessed to have her sons working on the farm with their families close by. “I always thought we would be driving off to visit this one or that one – wherever they are. Now, we kind of laugh and try to sneak away for time alone. It’s kind of crazy, but I enjoy it,” she says. “I love getting to watch the grandkids grow up. And, I have the best daughters-in-law. I treasure them. My sons made good choices.”

Margaret Sumption, Frederick, S.D., farmer, mother of five, grandma of 21 and great-grandma to one. Pictured here with her husband, John.

Margaret Sumption with her husband John and their five sons, circa 1983. Left to right front row: Taylor, Warren and Mark. Back row, left to right: Eric and Chris.

“There was always lots of work, but we always found time to play too.” Margaret Sumption, Frederick, S.D., farmer, pictured here with her husband, John and four of their grandchildren during a recent First Communion celebration. Left to right: Margaret Sumption with her husband John celebrate the first communion of four of their grandchildren (left to right) Morgan, Tristan, Maddie and Laura.

Margaret Sumption (center) with her children and their families on the family’s South Dakota farm near Frederick.
“Being a mom is the most important job in the world. When it’s all said and done, my kids are what I have to look back on and say, ‘I did this.'” Lawonza (Baker) Montague, 38, New Underwood Rancher and mother of two.
Lawonza (Baker) Montague grew up in the saddle herding cattle on her family’s ranch 25 miles north of New Underwood – dismounting to fix fence, rake hay and attend school.
The fourth-generation rancher made sure her daughter, Taylin, 17, and son, Kade, 12, were given the same opportunity. “Since my kids could sit upright, they have been in the saddle,” explains Montague, who always saw herself returning to her family’s ranch.
“Dad always said, ‘they never make more land. They can make more of everything else, but not land. So, you have to keep it.'”
Montague took this message to heart. Shortly after she and her husband, Brad, welcomed Taylin into their family, they packed up and moved home. At the time, the couple was living in a Blackhawk neighborhood. “I don’t care if its blizzarding, I’d rather be looking after the cows than a next door neighbor’s house,” she says.
Although her fulltime job is on the ranch, to help with cash-flow, Montague works three days a week in Rapid City. “The ranch is my primary job, so I may need to rake hay at 4 in the morning and check cows after I get home.”
Since her kids were little, they have been working right alongside her. “When they are home, they are with me. There is no better way to raise your kids and no better way of life than here on the ranch,” she says. “Sometimes they think it is cruel when they have to clean the drill out or get up at 6 to do chores before school, but where else will they gain this sense of responsibility?”
Montague says her own mom, Mary, served as a great example. “My mom was a wonderful mom. She raised five kids and taught us values raising bum lambs and calves. She was so giving and never had a bad word to say about anyone and saw the good in everyone.”
Mary passed away this February after a long battle with Parkinson’s disease.
Montague added that her mom also believed “idle hands were the devil’s play things,” so she and her brothers and sisters were all actively involved in ranch work. Montague says this impacted her own parenting philosophy. “If I’m not teaching my children how to be productive in society, I am failing at my job,” she says. “They give me such a sense of pride. The other day Kade went to fix fence with my dad. My dad came home and said that he’d forgotten to grab an extra post staple. But, Kade said, ‘here Grandpa, I have a piece of wire.'”
When the family isn’t working together, they are rodeoing – a sport Montague has been involved in since childhood. “The rodeo family is a good family to be a part of. It teaches responsibility,” she says.
In the future, if her children wnt to return to the ranch, Montague is helping them prepare by continuing a tradition her dad started. “He sold us a heifer calf when we were born,” she says. “We did the same with our kids.”

Lawonza (Baker) Montague grew up in the saddle herding cattle on her family’s ranch 25 miles north of New Underwood – dismounting to fix fence, rake hay and attend school.
The fourth-generation rancher made sure her daughter, Taylin, 17, and son, Kade, 12 (pictured), were given the same opportunity. “Since my kids could sit upright, they have been in the saddle,” explains Montague, who always saw herself returning to her family’s ranch.

“Dad always said, ‘they never make more land. They can make more of everything else, but not land. So, you have to keep it,” said Lawonza (Baker) Montague is a fourth-generation New Underwood rancher.

“Being a mom is the most important job in the world. When it’s all said and done, my kids are what I have to look back on and say, ‘I did this,'” said Lawonza (Baker) Montague, 38, New Underwood Rancher and mother of two. Pictured here with her husband, Brad , daughter, Taylin, 17 and son, Kade, 12.

“I don’t care if its blizzarding, I’d rather be looking after the cows than a next door neighbor’s house,” said Lawonza (Baker) Montague a fourth-generation New Underwood rancher. Pictured here during a recent branding.