S.D. Farmers Union Welcomes Rocky Forman to Serve as Member Services Coordinator
More about Rocky Forman
Forman grew up on a registered cattle ranch near Ree Heights. His dad was a ranch hand and along with helping him out with cattle chores, Forman began showing cattle at the young age of 8.
He enjoyed preparing cattle for show, and soon, his friends were asking him to help them fit their cattle. It wasn’t long before he had turned his hobby into a freelance fitting business which he continues today.
“Through fitting, I am able to help people and I enjoy helping people – whether it’s volunteering to help 4-H and FFA kids or helping producers get ready for bull sales,” Forman says.
An agriculture business graduate of Lake Area Technical Institute, Forman spent much of his career working in feed sales and as a cattle nutrition consultant. “Again, I like working with producers and helping them be successful,” says Forman, who worked for Stan’s Feed in Alpena and then for Dakotaland Feeds.
Today, Forman and his wife, Mandi, have two young daughters, Mayli, 3, and Remzi, 3 months. He says now that he is a father, farm safety is very important to him.
Through his work with S.D. Farmers Union Forman will be providing South Dakota youth with hands-on learning opportunities as he travels the state with the Farm Safety Trailer. Along with grain storage and machinery safety, the safety trailer also teaches ATV safety with an ATV safety simulator.
To learn more about how you can reserve the S.D. Farmers Union Farm Safety Trailer for your 4-H club or FFA chapter, contact Forman at [email protected].

Rocky Forman recently joined South Dakota Farmers Union as the Member Services Coordinator. In this role, Forman will organize the S.D. Farmers Union Young Producers Program, facilitate Farm Safety Trailer programming and engage in other outreach programming for members and non-members throughout South Dakota.