
South Dakota Farmers Union Celebrates the Meeks Ranch Family

Posted on: October 5, 2015   |   Categories: Celebrate Family Farms, News Releases

October 5, 2015 – By #South Dakota Farmer Union

Celebrating a century of service to South Dakota’s farm and ranch families, throughout 2015, South Dakota Farmers Union highlights members who farm or ranch with their families each month. This October, South Dakota Farmers Union features the Meeks family who ranch on the Pine Ridge Reservation.

Land is sacred in the Lakota culture which Jim and Elsie Meeks were both raised.

 For almost four decades the ranch couple has worked hard to care for their Pine Ridge Reservation ranch-land and make the family ranch sustainable for the next generation.

 “The land is sacred. If you take care of it, it will take care of you. This is a belief that most Natives and, I believe, ranchers of all backgrounds, share,” explains Elsie.

Growing up on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, as youngsters both Jim and Elsie developed a strong affection for horses, the sport of rodeo and began to dream of one day owning and operating their own ranch.

In the early 80s Jim and Elsie got their start ranching on land that included 320 acres the federal government allocated to Jim’s grandfather, Todd Randall, in the 1930s.

 They began buying long horn cattle and providing rough stock for rodeos. To build up their cattle herd, they would keep back the best heifers. “We would breed them back to a good bull and kept doing that year after year,” explains Elsie, who supplemented the ranch income through various off-ranch careers.

 Today the Meeks ranch more than 12,000 acres and run a 450-head cow/calf herd.

 To learn more about the Meeks family and their ranch, and view a photo gallery, click here.

Last Modified: 10/05/2015 10:39:38 am MDT