
The Rural Lobbyist: E-30 Resolution Passes House Transportation Committee

Posted on: February 3, 2018   |   Category: News Releases

This week proved to be a very busy one in Pierre as all bill drafts needed to be submitted by the end of the week. Currently there are 319 House bills and 215 Senate bills, these numbers are considerably more than last year. The new legislators are now in their second year, understand the process and are interested in putting their ideas in front of their colleagues for consideration.The new Precision Ag building project at South Dakota State University is looking for funding from the legislature in addition to the funds they have already raised. Watch for discussion on funding sources in the coming weeks. Several of the agriculture groups meet this week to talk about options.S.D. Farmers Union resolution on E-30 passed the House Transportation Committee on a 10-3 vote this week. The resolution should pass the House floor on Thursday and be heard in a Senate committee later this month.W-WatchingS-SupportO-Opposed

S HB 1015 repeal the use of explosives, pyrotechnics, and fireworks for the protection of sunflower crops from depredating birds.
O HB 1022 revise certain provisions regarding wind energy permits.
W HB 1023 repeal certain provisions regarding pipeline safety.
S HB 1035 repeal certain provisions and regulations related to labeling requirements for feed.
W HB 1036 revise certain provisions regarding the agricultural mediation program.
S HB 1037 revise certain provisions regarding the South Dakota State Fair.
S HB 1046 allow certain resident farmers or ranchers to receive a big game license during the Black Hills deer season.
S HB 1047 revise certain provisions defining fur-bearing animals.
W HB 1081 repeal the sunset clause regarding the recreational use of nonmeandered water.
S HB 1089 repeal the South Dakota certified beef program and to transfer remaining funds from the South Dakota certified beef fund.
S HB 1113 revise certain provisions regarding the vehicles required to stop at a state weighing station.
S HB 1115 revise certain provisions regarding crop liens.
S HB 1119 revise certain provisions regarding riparian buffer strips.
S HB 1136 revise certain provisions related to cooperatives.
S HB 1139 revise the applicability of adverse possession to certain partition fences.
W HB 1140 revise certain provisions regarding access to public water.
W HB 1159 revise certain notification provisions regarding damage of underground facilities.
S HB 1218 establish an independent legislative redistricting commission.
W HB 1234 provide for certain requirements prior to construction of wind energy facilities.
S HB 1235 provide that counties shall require certain requirements for wind energy facility decommissioning.
O HB 1243 revise provisions related to the hold or sale of certain livestock.
W HB 1247 revise certain provisions regarding county zoning and planning.
W HB 1292 revise the process by which courts consider appeals of decisions regarding conditional use requests.
S HCR 1004 Urging the Governor to fuel the state fleet with premium E-30 fuel.
W HJR 1001 Proposing and submitting to the voters an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, removing the Legislature’s authority to set legislator salaries for a regular legislative session.
S HJR 1009 Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to Article III of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, providing for state legislative redistricting by an independent commission.
S SB 22 allow commercial driver license applicants three attempts to pass the commercial driver license examination.
S SB 24 extend the effective date of certain provisions regarding the recreational use of nonmeandered water.
S SB 26 revise certain provisions regarding public grain buyers.
S SB 29 increase the amount authorized for certain brand fees and to authorize a brand registration application fee and an expedited registration fee.
W SB 33 repeal certain mediation programs regarding damages from oil and gas development and disputes over drainage of water.
S SB 34 revise certain provisions regarding registration for pesticide products.
S SB 39 revise certain provisions regarding permitted improvements on school and public lands.
S SB 55 revise certain provisions regarding the tax on endoparasiticides and ectoparasiticides.
O SB 138 revise certain provisions regarding the appointment of wind energy tax revenue to school districts.
W SB 150 provide property tax relief through the creation of the property tax relief fund.
S SB 156 revise certain provisions regarding brand inspections.
S SB 157 establish a bid process for the haying of certain interstate and highway medians.
S SB 163 require certain reports in the event of an oil spill.
W SB 166 revise certain provisions relating to moisture and protein content devices and the fee that may be charged for such devices.
W SB 170 direct the implementation of the requirements of certain provisions regarding nonmeandered waters.
S SB 183 authorize the Board of Regents to contract for the construction of a precision agriculture classroom and laboratory building and renovation of the first and second floors of Berg Agriculture Hall at South Dakota State University and to make an appropriation therefor.
S SB 194 revise certain provisions regarding registration fees of pesticide products and create the precision agriculture building fund.
W SB 199 revise certain provisions regarding nonmeandered waters.
S SB 205 authorize the production and sale of industrial hemp.
S SB 209 revise certain provisions regarding the Nutrient Research and Education Council.
S SB 210 transfer certain funds from the ethanol fuel fund to the ethanol infrastructure incentive fund.
O SJR 1 Proposing and submitting to the electors at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, relating to amendments to the Constitution.

S.D. Farmers Union looks forward to another great upcoming week of session.

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