Trip Rewards Youth Leadership; Packs in Co-Op Education and Fun
By Toby Kane, for South Dakota Farmers Union
In this day of social media and the digital world, a lot can happen in a day.
But for three days, July 6-8, 18 juniors and seniors from across South Dakota learned countless real-world things about cooperatives. The Minnesota trip rewarded their completion of three years of leadership activities through South Dakota Farmers Union.
South Dakota Farmers Union Education Director Rachel Haigh-Blume says, “It’s important for them to see how cooperatives work in urban environments and get new ideas. Seeing different types of cooperatives first hand really open their minds.”
One such cooperative was a housing initiative started by students at the University of Minnesota. The trip also included stops at an organic food cooperative, CHS Inc. and REI consumer cooperative, where students had the opportunity to ask questions, get professional and internship advice, and see each in action.
Justin Goetz, a 16-year-old junior from Selby, says, “I learned a lot from touring all the different types of co-ops out there. I especially loved learning more about CHS. It really opened my eyes to how much more goes into farming then just what the farmer does.”
“The whole experience has helped me as a leader and how I can really help with the cooperatives in my own community,” says junior Bree Weidenbach, a 17-year-old from Canistota. “I can teach others in my school and help them understand the benefits and join up.”
To emphasize the importance of the trip, Haigh-Blume adds, “When farming in hard times, it’s good for the kids to know there are other business models out there, like a cooperative to help keep small towns well as have a little fun.”
Goetz agrees, “Going to the Twins game and getting behind the scenes was not only an amazing experience but also a learning venture too.”
Youth who attended three-year cooperative education trip to Minneapolis include: back row, left to right: Megan Hanson, Britton; Karly Schaunaman, Aberdeen; Abby Dethlefsen, Stickney; Brenna Johnson, Groton; Haley Keizer, Plankinton; Jennifer Hanson, Britton; Caleb Nugteren, Canistota; Hannah Sumption, Frederick; Bree Weidenbach, Canistota; Jim Brockel, Shadehill; Nick Snedeker, Woonsocket; Skylar Cox, Frederick; Justin Goetz, Herreid; Dalton Gerlach, Stickney; and Joseph Nugteren, Canistota. Front row, left to right: Marissa Holinka, Watertown; Cassidy Keller, Cansitota; and Katherine Oberembt, Ethan.