
News Releases


South Dakota Farmers Union President Granted Audience with Pope Francis & Vatican Leaders to Discuss Importance of Family Farming and Ranching

Posted on: March 26, 2015   |   Category: News Releases

March 26, 2015 – By #South Dakota Farmer Union HURON, S.D. – South Dakota Farmers Union President, Doug Sombke was among five Farmers Union state presidents who were granted an audience with Pope Francis, March 25, 2015. Sombke met with the Pope following a weeklong series of meetings with Vatican officials and rural-based non-governmental organizations to discuss the […]

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South Dakota Farmers Union Celebrates Christensen Farm Family

Posted on: March 16, 2015   |   Categories: Celebrate Family Farms, News Releases

March 16, 2015 – By #South Dakota Farmer Union Ask Marlow Christensen and his three sons, Dale, Don and Doug, why they chose farming as a career and their responses are similar. “It’s all we’ve ever known,” explains Dale, who, like his younger brothers, joined the family operation full-time right out of high school. His brother, Don, adds, […]

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South Dakota College Students Learn about Cooperatives During the National Farmers Union Conference on Cooperatives a Success

Posted on: March 13, 2015   |   Category: News Releases

March 13, 2015 – By #South Dakota Farmer Union South Dakota College Students Learn about Cooperatives During the National Farmers Union Conference on Cooperatives a Success Thirty students from Lake Area Technical Institute joined more than 150 college students from 25 states and Puerto Rico to participate in the 2015 National Farmers Union (NFU) College Conference on Cooperatives […]

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S.D. Farmers Union President Shares his Frustration with Legislative Disrespect for County and Local Governments

Posted on: February 25, 2015   |   Category: News Releases

February 25, 2015 – By #South Dakota Farmer UnionOver the last 40 years, I have noted a continued decline in South Dakota state laws respecting County Commission and Township Boards’ authority and ability to govern. A Feb.11, 2015 comment from Rep. Don Haggar, R-Dist. 10, during discussion over the possible removal of a 1995 County property tax cap […]

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Call to Action #KeepCool

Posted on: February 18, 2015   |   Categories: Meat Labeling, News Releases

February 18, 2015 – By #South Dakota Farmer Union As COOL supporters celebrate the recent dismissal of the U.S. District Court lawsuit on Country-of-Origin Labeling (COOL); the multinational meatpacking industry and their allies who filed the lawsuit are lobbying YOUR South Dakota Legislators and Congressional Leaders.  Don’t let their money and influence take away American consumer’s right to […]

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Youth Learn Legislative Process during 3-Day Trip to Pierre

Posted on: February 17, 2015   |   Category: News Releases

Youth Learn Legislative Process during 3-Day Trip to Pierre HURON, S.D. – When you’re 15, politics can be confusing. South Dakota¹s Legislature is now more understandable for the teens who earned their way to attend the Farmers Union Two Year Legislative Award Trip, Feb 3-5, 2015. Like many youth who become involved in Farmers Union Youth […]

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Mad Cow Disease in Canada Affirms Need for COOL

Posted on: February 13, 2015   |   Categories: Meat Labeling, News Releases

February 13, 2015 – By #South Dakota Farmer UnionThe recent case of Mad Cow disease confirmed in Canada affirms the value of COOL (County-of-Origin-Labeling) to protect Americans’ meat supply, said Doug Sombke South Dakota Farmers Union President. “Do you really want your lawmakers to repeal a law that tells you where your food comes from? In light of […]

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COOL Lawsuit Dropped

Posted on: February 12, 2015   |   Categories: Meat Labeling, News Releases

February 12, 2015 – By #South Dakota Farmer Union South Dakota Farmers Union, Cattle Producers & Consumers Praise U.S. Dist. Court Decision to Dismiss COOL Lawsuit South Dakota Farmers Union President, Doug Sombke, praised the Feb. 9, 2015 dismissal of the U.S. District Court lawsuit on Country-of-Origin Labeling (COOL), filed by the multinational meatpacking industry and their allies in […]

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